New Lineage 2 private servers
March 13, 2024
Origins x1

List of Changes

– Fix to not expell users out of instance zones while dead
– Fix Teleport Cubic in Cruma Tower (cubic size was too small)

Reborn Enhanced Territory War

Territory War Badges on Enhanced

We delivered during today’s maintenance Territory Badges to players who were unable to participate during the first Territory Wars on Saturday March 3rd, due to wrong information provided.

– If you played during this Territory War, and got more than 30 badges, nothing was changed.
– If you played during this Territory War and got less than 30 badges, the amount of badges was increased to reach 30 total (either in your inventory, or stored at the NPC), of the same territory.
– If you did not play during this Territory War, you will receive 30 Unclaimed Territory Badges if you fit the conditions below. Those badges can be exchanged at NPC Reborn Manager Maria, in any city, for the Territory Badges of your choice.

The conditions to receive badges if you did not participate are : be at least level 52, being active in the 5 days preceding the Territory War. Badges are delivered only once per account, to the highest character.

Feel free to reach out on Discord if you have any question, and thank you for playing Lineage 2 Reborn