Reborn Eternal is an interlude mid rate server with a long term designed, which means, it won’t be wiped and you will not lose any progress over the time.
Every year we will merge new servers into the main server to keep it alive and healthy.
Enjoy the game as it should be, play your own character and group up with other players. This unique feature turns the game into a social adventure, every class is useful and needed, no more solo playing with multiple boxes that makes all buffer classes useless.
Reborn has become one of the most popular low rate server because of this feature, start playing and enjoy the game in the best way.
The server maganers are very concerned about the major issues of this wonderful game, for years it has been doomed by bots, rmt, clickers.. and every kind of cheater.
We take our dutty about keeping the server clean very serious, only honest and legit players are welcome in our community.
One of the most hurting things in mmorpgs and overall in all games, we have proudly achieved the way to keep our servers running without having any pay to win content on them. You can donate to help the server cover its costs or as a nice gesture for the managers, but you will never get any kind of in game advantage of it.
As a reward for those who donate you can get some cosmetics that will enhance you look, but they don’t give any ingame stats.
Being a Reborn Veteran has advantages! You can earn unique rewards while playing Reborn Eternal, and your rewards will be given in the next season.
There are several rewards that you can get, some are pvp related while others are pve. Will be you one of our top players?
Those players and clans who achieve the highest positions in the PVP and PK ranking will get the following rewards for the next season
Players Clans
1. Golden Box 1. Golden Box
2. Silver Box 2. Silver Box
3. Bronze Box 3. Bronze Box
Boxes included cosmetic item and in reborn coins.
Those players and clans who achieve the highest positions in the level ranking will get the following rewards for the next season
Players Clans
1. Golden Box 1. Golden Box
2. Silver Box 2. Silver Box
3. Bronze Box 3. Bronze Box
Boxes included cosmetic item and in reborn coins.
The most active players (by online time) and the clans who conquer Aden, Giran and Goddard for the first time will enjoy the following rewards for the next season
Players Clans
1. Golden Box 1. Golden Box
2. Silver Box 2. Silver Box
3. Bronze Box 3. Bronze Box
Boxes included cosmetic item and in reborn coins.
In Reborn we are really appreciated for those players that help us by contributing with server donations, Reborn is well known for being a free of P2W server, but we have some donations that allow use to keep the server running.
For all players who donate for the permanent VIP, they will get permanent VIP for free in the next season.